Safety Turtle: Pool Alarm

Safety Turtle Pool Alarm Review

Hot tubs, swimming pools, and lakes can be a lot of fun, but they can easily turn deadly in the blink of an eye. Therefore, when you and your children are near a pool or a lake, you may be a bit nervous, especially about the safety of your kids.

Since safety is the main concern, you may want extra safety measures when your baby is near the pool. Although nothing can replace parental supervision, there are devices available in the market that can provide that extra layer of security you desire.

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What is a Safety Turtle Pool Alarm and How Does it Work?

Safety Turtle Kids Pool alarmSometimes keeping a watchful eye on our kiddos at all times can be quite difficult especially when we have to juggle multiple activities with multiple kids.

Safety Turtle Pool Alarm

The Safety Turtle Pool Alarm works by sounding an audible alarm at the base station once your kid touches, drops, or enters the water. This alerts you or the caregiver that your kid or pet is at risk of injury or possible drowning.

Therefore, you can react immediately and avoid drowning and any other serious injury.

The Safety Turtle Pool Alarm has a special wristband and locking key that fastens to the toddler’s wrist. Therefore, it monitors the child, not the water surface. This reduces the risk of false alarms.

Safety Turtle pool safety alarm is perfect for people who have pools or people who spend time at pools, spas, or near lakes. In order to ensure that the Safety Turtle Pool Alarm is effective, it is recommended to use the device constantly.  The device is simple to use and safe, kids actually love wearing their ‘Safety Turtle watch’.

The Safety Turtle Pool Alarm has two main parts:

  1. The base station includes a power adapter.
  2. A wristband that goes around your child’s wrist. In case the wristband becomes wet, a loud alarm is emitted at the base station alerting you or the caregiver of a potential emergency. The base must be reset in order for the alarm to stop sounding.

The Safety Turtle Kit includes:

  • The base
  • A USB cord
  • One wristband with a turtle
  • An AC adapter
  • An unlocking key

Safety Turtle Pool Alarm  Pros

  • Sounds an alarm at the base station immediately once your child or pet enters the water
  • The loud alarm is easily audible throughout the house and pool deck.
  • The wristband design reduces false alarms
  • Portable, dependable, and easy to use
  • The wristband battery lasts up to 4 years with regular or daily use.
  • It comes with a weather-proof carrying case that allows use on boats or at lakes.
  • The Safety turtle system can be easily moved to new stations such as the lake or neighbor’s pool.

Safety Turtle Pool Alarm  Cons

  • May not operate 100% in improperly balanced saltwater pools or seawater, which could give parents and caregivers a false sense of security.

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Pool Alarm Sensor

The base should be plugged within 800 ft. of the water in order for the system to function properly. The pool alarm wristband comes with a key for removing the band so that your child isn’t able to take the band off by him/herself.

The band is also adjustable for all sizes. The system is perfect for any family size because multiple wristbands can be added to the same base station. The Safety Turtle Pool Alarm is designed for the wrist, but it can also be conveniently worn at the ankle because it is completely adjustable.

View more swimming pool alarms HERE